Some random things that don't belong anywhere else:
Since 2012 I have been doing a biweekly podcast with the philosopher Tamler Sommers on the science and philosophy of human morality called Very Bad Wizards []. Though it's usually just the two of us, we've had such distinguished guests as Laurie Santos, Paul Bloom, Ted Chiang, Yoel Inbar, Sam Harris, Molly Crockett, Robert Wright, Robert Frank, David DeSteno, Dan Ariely, and Christina Hoff Sommers, among others.
Paul Bloom and I created a podcast—Psych—all about the topics covered in Psych 101.
Here are some other podcasts that have been kind enough to have me as their guest:
Freakonomics Radio, Episode 372: Would You Eat a Piece of Chocolate Shaped Like Dog Poop? (Listen)
Decoding the Gurus with Chris Kavanaugh and Matt Brown, Bonus Episode: Welcome to Weinstein World (Listen)
Why Do We Do That? with Ryan Moyer, Episode 12: Moral Judgment (Listen)
The Mind Society with Dorotya Barna, Episode 2: Emotions and Morality (Listen)
The Chemistry of Engagement by APEX, Episode 2: Empathetic (Listen)
Cognitive Revolution with Cody Komers, Episode 13: How to Find Collaborators (Listen)
Two Psychologists Four Beers Podcast, Episode 46: Very Good Men (Listen)
Making Sense Podcast, Episode 92: The Limits of Persuasion (Listen)
Mapping Minds podcast, Episode 1: Beginning (Listen)
Capital H Podcast presented by Deloitte: The Psychology of Trust (Listen)
Pretty Much Pop Podcast Episode 26: We Watch the Watchmen (Listen)
Dilemma Podcast with Jay Shapiro Season 1 Episode 3: Donuts (Listen)
BEworks Conversations with David Pizarro, hosted by Kelly Peters (Watch/Listen)
What Makes Us Human? Podcast by Cornell University College of Arts and Sciences, Episode "The Human Intellect" (Listen)
The Partially Examined Life Episode 176: Situationism in Psych: Milgram & Stanford Prison Experiments (Listen to Part One) (Listen to Part Two)
People Behind the Science Podcast Episode 291: Dr. David Pizarro: How and Why We Judge the World: The Science of Morality Discussed (Listen)
I Doubt It with Dollemore Bonus episode: Dr. David Pizarro from Very Bad Wizards (Listen)
Mad Hat Economics Podcast Episode 21: Behavioral Econ in Action (Listen) Mind Report (Podcast episode with Paul Bloom) (Watch/Listen)
"That's Disgusting!" [], a BBC World Forum audio episode, where I got to chat with other researchers about the emotion of disgust.
Cracking our moral code: How we decide what's right and wrong, [], a CBC radio documentary where I got to speak a bit on the science of moral psychology.
David Dobbs' thoughtful (and entertaining) piece on our paper about motivated moral reasoning: Kill Whitey. It's the Right Thing to Do []
I once got to talk to Richard Dawkins for his documentary Sex, Death, and the Meaning of Life []. He actually gagged when he had to smell what was in the jar. The wonderful Elizabeth Phelps let us 'borrow' her office at NYU to film the segment. I'm pretty sure she regretted it (the portion I'm referencing starts at 28:08).:
The Strange Politics of Disgust []
Sasha Issenberg wrote a nice piece featuring some of our work in this New York Magazine article, entitled Born This Way: The new weird science of hardwired political identity []
I once did a Spanish radio interview. In Spanish. Nervously. It was for a show called Basta del Todo [].
Kathleen McCauliffe, in her book This is your brain on parasites (2016) wrote a nice chapter that discusses some of our work on disgust and politics. The chapter covering our work was also published as a standalone piece in Aeon magazine: Disgust made us human []
I love to make beats. And that has nothing to do with psychology.